
Innovating the future together,
realizing our value as partners

Building a commerce platform

Dodoom has been creating various platforms centered on shopping functions for a long time. We provide high-performing e-commerce platforms by reflecting internal know-how and trends.

Shopping mall
A standalone shopping system that evolves with your business

Independent shopping base, free to integrate with other advertisers
Enables continuous development based on an open development environment to support the expansion of your own unique business

User features
Sign up
Closed mall/open mallMember/NonmemberSupport for easy signup
Mobile FirstSearch function
CartDevelop the PG you wantBundling by sourceShipping discounts
My Page
Edit your membership informationShipping informationCanceling an order
Connecting with external servicesSSO developmentCSP Ad Integration
Admin features
Product Management
Setting up categoriesSpecial exhibitionsMerchandising
Manage Members
Membership information encryptionDormant membersManage points
Manage orders
Order Status ManagementUploading bulk ordersUploading invoices
Vendor management
Manage commodity suppliersMultiple contacts per vendorAdministrative support
Closed Mall System
Leased B2B/E Shopping System

A leased shopping mall system for vendors who want to offer a separate shopping mall from the general public.

Support for member management, product management, order management, message management, and payment management

Shopping mallShopping mallShopping mall
Manage Shopping Mall SalesVendor managementProduct ManagementManage ordersDesign ManagementManage settlementsManage messages
Manage contactsProduct ManagementManage ordersManage Q&A
Food Distribution Management System
Help build a food distribution platform

Receiving, ordering, receiving, shipping, inventory, and settlement functions for food distribution

Support for foreign commerce, including credit limits for each customer, and promotions, including additional bonus points for deposits.

System Structure
Direct shipping
Ordering Company
Direct shipping Manage APP
System advantages
Multiple payments
DepositsAccounts payable (line of credit)PG
Manage orders
Create a picklistPrint a release slipDirect shipping management app
Manage contractors
Can operate sub-distributorsSelect with or without agency paymentEnable approval system
Manage shipments
Direct logistics supportGeneral delivery (invoice registration)